After a long brake I`ll update my blog with my latest work:
Shadespire - The Sepulchral Guard
I have to say these figures are the best skeletons so far in the market , they are so thin and captures the essence of a skeleton army in a level that it is unbelievable.
After a quick zenital light from airbrush I have applied the base colors with a fine brush and I have tried something new !
Using watercolors for the weathering !
I know it is quite unconventional but its work really well !
Its provides a really rich surface what cannot be achieved with a simple wash. It is flexible to work with it , if you don`t like it you can wash it down easily without damaging the underlying paint. You have to just use some cheap TESCO or any watercolor paint what comes in dry disks. The paint can be tinted water or thicker . It`s up to you. Apply the wash all over the surface evenly , pool it properly. It can be tricky because the surface tension but if you want to you can put a little washing up liquid into the water to make it flow. Personally I was used just water. After drying you can wipe it off the excess with your finger or a cotton bud.Also you can tidy up with a damp brush. Adding a little Lahmian Medium to the mix its makes the paint stronger , improving the adhesion. It is a must to seal it , otherwise its come off instantly.
It`s a really quick way to add a surface texture quickly , and the further detailing can be improve with acrylics.